Academy of Management

美 [əˈkædəmi əv ˈmænɪdʒmənt]英 [əˈkædəmi ɒv ˈmænɪdʒmənt]
  • 网络管理学会;美国管理学会;管理科学院
Academy of ManagementAcademy of Management
  1. The findings were published in the journal the Academy of Management Review .


  2. This experiment , written up in the American Academy of Management , reminds me of an earlier study in which rats were given electric shocks .


  3. The study appeared in the Academy of Management Journal .


  4. The findings are published in the Academy of Management Journal .


  5. In fact , hotheaded stock investors make better decisions , a study in the Academy of Management Journal showed .


  6. The Academy of Management is a professional association dedicated to creating , applying and disseminating knowledge related to management and organization .


  7. The system is designed to play a greater role in the academy of management , make the process computerized , so as to improve work efficiency .


  8. The writers of the latest Academy of management article come up with a novel defence of business school research : it produces better-paid graduates .


  9. At the Academy of management in Montreal , a paper was presented proving that simply holding a glass of wine can damage your career .


  10. A recent report in the Academy of Management Journal in America looked at 140 studies on the subject and found that more women on a board correlates with better profitability .


  11. Peter Ping Li has organized three all-academy symposiums for the2011 Academy of Management Conference on the theme of West-meets-East .


  12. But to be successful , we also need to figure out what 's going on with our feelings and then limit the impact , suggests a study in August 's Academy of Management Journal .


  13. My fear is shared by a group of academics who last week ran a symposium at the Academy of Management 's annual meeting entitled " In Defence of Anger . "


  14. Women handicap themselves on the job by chronically underrating their standing with bosses and co-workers , says a new study slated for presentation next month to the Academy of Management 's annual meeting .


  15. In fact , hotheaded stock investors make better decisions , a study in the Academy of Management Journal showed . Adding emotions to the decision-making process can enhance creativity , engagement and decision efficiency , the researchers wrote in the study .


  16. Forthcoming research from the Academy of Management Journal shows that workers reported lower stress levels in the evenings after spending a few minutes jotting down positive events at the end of the day , along with why those things made them feel good .


  17. " Knowing history is not going to make me richer , I 'd rather learn to speculate in the stock market ," many would predictably say so . In fact , hot-headed stock investors make better decisions , a study in the Academy of Management Journal showed .


  18. The fourth part from the three aspects of personnel selection , personnel assessment , salary and welfare of the West China Academy of Sciences personnel management system .


  19. All experimental animals operating procedures are in line with the NIH laboratory animal care and usage guidelines , as well as the standards set by the Chinese Academy of experimental animal management practices .


  20. The second report from the American Academy of Pediatrics deals with management of autism cases . We will discuss that next week .


  21. Finally , based on the SL Academy of Sciences comprehensive budget management system construction research , summing up for scientific research units to carry out overall budget management system construction experience , reiterated in scientific research units , the implementation of a comprehensive budget management scientific and practical .
